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Especially for Students

Whether it's your first time or your sixth, we are excited that you want to participate in the NCSPA Fall Conference. Here are a few reminders of perks and activities that are especially designed for students!

1. Discount on registration

If you are a member of NCSPA ($45 for graduate students, $10 for first year graduate students, and $0 for undergraduate students), then the early bird cost of Fall Conference is only $74. When you register, it automatically takes into account your membership status and gives you the appropriate discount. 

If you are not a member of NCSPA (though we're really not sure why you wouldn't be), you can use the discount code "Student" to get the early bird rate of $150. 

Two people presenting an academic poster2. Present your research

Within the registration process, you have the opportunity to sign up to present at the Poster Session. The annual Poster Session is a great introduction to the conference world, can help build confidence, and can lead to connections or invitations for other opportunities to present your work. Plus there are prizes!

students around a conference room table

3. Sessions you might enjoy

Not sure which sessions to go to? Here are the top picks for students from the Conference Board - we think you'll really enjoy them!

  • Sunday, 9:00 - 10:30am - Boosting Social-Emotional Skills: Second Step's Impact on Elementary Children
  • Sunday, 10:45 - 12:15pmWhere Have all the School Psychologists Gone? Addressing the Field Shortages
  • Sunday, 2:00 - 3:30pm - CBT in Action: Tackling Anxiety in Schools
  • Monday, 9:00 - 10:30am - Bringing INSIGHTS to Life: Moving Beyond Research and Into the Real World OR Emotionally Regulated: Strategies for Student Success
  • Monday, 10:45 - 12:15pmTrailblazing Leaders: Using Innovative Initiatives in High School to Form School-Wide Social-Emotional Learning Practices
  • Monday, 2:00 - 3:30pm - Building an Infrastructure to Access to School-Based Mental Health Supports
  • Monday, 3:45 - 5:15pm - Both/And: Building Capacity to Identify and Serve the Twice-Exceptional Student

4. Networking! Camaraderie! Fun!

One of the best advantages of participating in NCSPA is that you get to know school psychologists from all over the state! You will likely always be friends with those in your cohort, but it's such a delightful experience to know awesome school professionals anywhere you might travel. There are so many fun activities at Fall Conference where you can socialize, spread your networking tentacles, and just have a grand time. We hope to see you there!

  • Sunday @ 5:30pm - Welcome reception
  • Monday @ 12:15pm - NCSPA Awards Banquet 
  • Tuesday @ 9:00am - NCSPA Annual Meeting and Raffle
  • Throughout conference - Exhibitor Hall, lunch time, snacks

    three people around a table