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About the NCSPA Fall Conference

The North Carolina School Psychology Association (NCSPA) is a professional organization that
supports and advocates for school psychologists across North Carolina to provide comprehensive services that reflect best practices in the field of school psychology.

Conference Format

Come to the Fall Conference: In-person or at home. 

While we have missed the networking and relationship-building that being together in a physical space provides, we also know gathering virtually allows for a broader range of members and colleagues to participate. Therefore, the NCSPA 2023 Fall Conference is an either/or conference, where you can participate either on-site, or virtually. 

  • Onsite, you will experience a full conference with a keynote speaker, social events, and of course, the main draw of the conference, concurrent sessions with cutting-edge research and practices pertinent to school psychology.
  • Within the virtual world, we will live stream the keynote speakers and NCSPA Annual Meeting. Virtual attendees will also be able to attend professional learning sessions curated especially for a virtual track.
  • None of the sessions will be recorded, so it'll be imperative to give yourself the space necessary to participate fully.
  • Whenever possible, slide decks for presentations will be provided prior to the session.

Conference Goals

School psychologists work to ensure the protection of the educational rights, opportunities, and well-being of all children, especially those whose voices have been muted, identities obscured, or needs ignored. Social justice requires promoting non-discriminatory practices and the empowerment of families and communities. School psychologists enact social justice through culturally-responsive professional practice and advocacy to create schools, communities, and systems that ensure equity and fairness for all children and youth (Adopted by the NASP Board of Directors, April 2017).NASP logo

This conference is designed to provide quality professional development opportunities for not only school psychologists, but also administrators, school counselors, and all other professionals supporting students within a multi-tiered system of support. NCSPA seeks high-quality and effective presentations bridging the latest research and promising practices to:

  • Advance the professional status of school psychologists
  • Promote and maintain high standards of psychological services
  • Promote the development of sound educational practice for the total school program
  • Promote and advance school psychology as a distinct, viable profession within the state and to serve as a vehicle of communication for the profession
  • Provide opportunities for the exchange of professional ideas and partnership among school psychologists 

Have questions?

Check out the Frequently Asked Questions page!